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Kursk NPP operates as usual — plant’s deputy director

MOSCOW, August 27 /TASS/. The Kursk nuclear power plant continues to work as usual amid a counterterrorism operation in the region, said Vadim Yeletskikh, a deputy director at the plant.
“The Kursk nuclear power plant continues its routine operation amid the counterterrorism operation, provides safe power generation, performs the full range of production-related and other tasks,” he was quoted as saying by the plant’s official media outlets.
Yeletskikh said Reactor No. 3 of the nuclear plant is “in operation at capacity” and said Reactor No. 4 went under routine maintenance.
“Scheduled work is being performed on reactors No. 1 and No. 2, which were shut down due to expiration of their service life. Construction of reactors No. 1 and No. 2 of Kursk NPP-2 is underway. The goal for our staff and the construction workers to ensure the physical start-up of the first VVER-TOI reactor by the end of the year is still in place,” Yeletskikh said.
According to the executive, law enforcement agencies are taking appropriate security measures to ensure maximum protection of the NPP from all directions.
